
Print & Email Design work for Henry Pump LLC

Henry Pump LLC is a company that provides Oilfield Automation, Water Management, and more. Following the news of COVID-19 and quarantining in place rules, the client’s ask was to take advantage of the surplus of potential customers being home by sending out a 8.5” x 5.5” mailer. This print piece would detail the company’s stance on the pandemic, along with some meaningful blurbs from historic figures.


For this piece, it was important to leave room for a 2.25” x 1.25” mailing sticker, along with no bleed in case the company wanted to purpose the art for a postcard or flyer within the weeks to come. Along with this mailer, I also created an email version with the same messaging to be sent out.

(Personal phone numbers have been blurred out in both versions for use on my portfolio.)
