
Fundraiser Shirt Design for Rett’s Roost

Raising a total of over $500, this successful fundraiser consisted of a simplistic yet impactful design. Rett’s Roost has a mission to offer a sanctuary to families that have a child with cancer or have lost a child. They help heal, inspire, and teach these families how to endure their trauma and grief.

The non-profit spawned from their own son, Rett, losing the battle to cancer on 2/22/15. While that day was the most heart-breaking event of his family's lives, from the experience came a desire to help HEAL others, to teach them how to ENDURE tragedy and trauma, and to INSPIRE them to find joy in their lives again.

I created a design that emphasized their mission, while honoring Rett himself.


From 2/7 until 2/22, we ran a campaign with blue design for the blue-eyed baby boy, Rett.
From 2/22 until 3/7 we ran a campaign with white logos - white for the light that is Rett's sister, who turned 2 on the final day of the campaign.

Read more about this great fundraiser here: https://www.bonfire.com/feeling-blue-missing-you/
