
Graphic Design & Video Editing work for Dallenger Cheap

Dallenger Cheap is a DFW-based Alternative Rock band that I’ve created a significant amount of creative work for. From logos, to album covers, to social media content and more, I’ve been creating work for the group since July, 2018.

Below you’ll see some merchandise I designed to go along with the release of their 2020 record, In Between, the art for the album itself, and artwork for two of their previous singles. Their sound features occasional surf-rock guitar riffs, so waves and beaches were elements I wanted to bring through the artwork. Bands typically have fluctuating logos between albums, especially for merchandise, so several logos I created are in use.


With the band’s target demo being young to middle-aged alternative rock loving fans, I created and ran the band’s social media accounts to form that community. When promoting upcoming shows, I created digital flyers that would run as promoted posts specifically on both Instagram and Facebook.
Below are a handful of my favorite flyers that I created.


A long with design work, I also used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit advertisements using footage of the band to go with the digital flyers.

Below is a video showcase containing a music video I directed / produced / edited for the band’s Youtube Channel, a streaming announcement following the release of their album, In Between, and one of many advertisements for upcoming shows.

You can check the band out on their instagram here: www.Instagram.com/DallengerCheapBand